sweet potato

My mom hates sweet potatoes and consequently never cooked them while I was growing up. Belonging to a CSA share, I am forced to explore vegetables that were not necessarily on my radar prior. And I have discovered that I like the flavor of the colorful sweet potato. But my repertoire for cooking these lovely vegetables is quite limited.
I thought they would make a tasty base for pizza but I was at a loss for what I could pair with that. What flavors complement or meld well with sweet potato? In addition to the sweet potato this pizza has caramelized onions, walnuts, and arugula. It was quite good. The onions complemented the sweet potatoes well and the walnuts added a nice contrasting crunchy texture. But it could be a little better - perhaps some red peppers (roasted?) would add not only a nice flavor but color too. What else?
While enjoying this pizza we discussed what else could go with sweet potato and thought that a thai-inspired pizza might be good for sweet potatoes... I will have to experiment with this some more!
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